When I was trying to implement a "download directory" function into my custom web application, all solutions I could find were based on creating the zip file first and then sending it. In my case, this could result in large temporary files which (as being mostly images) couldn't be compressed anyway.
For this purpose, it's enough to regard the minimum necessary structure of a ZIP archive: We won't need multi-part files and we won't need extra information stored for each file - and of course, we don't need any knowledge of compression algorithms.
php zip and download files on the fly
This method uses an instance of the class, collects information for each file to send (including calculating CRC-32 checksums) and then starts to send the archive. The profit for the user is that he get's a progress bar because the client get's to know the archive size in advance. The downside is a slightly later start of the download after requesting it - especially if there are a lot of or big files to process.
This method uses a static approach. Each file is directly sent after collecting its data, file information is stored in memory for the final central directory. The profit is a faster reaction time for the client because the download starts immediately after the first file is processed, also the memory usage is slightly better as only archive relevant data is stored and in case raw data is added that is not kept for later sending. The downside is that the script cannot know the resulting archive size thus there will be no progress display for the client.
Of course, the best option is to retrieve data items from database in memory, ZIP them in memory and send the ZIP to user's browser without creating any physical files on the Web server. However, this is not doable with the ZipArchive class, which does not support ZIP archive as file handles or pipes.
In the example, I am creating a function that will read all files and folders from the specified directory and add them to the ZipArchive class object.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'makitweb_com-box-3','ezslot_7',185,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-makitweb_com-box-3-0');
Create ZipArchive Class object for Zip file creation. Define a function createZip() to read files and directory from the specified directory path.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'makitweb_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',187,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-makitweb_com-medrectangle-4-0');
Sometimes in web programming when dealing with multiple files or directory download operations, it is better to serve the user with a single zip file rather than let the user manually download the file one by one using direct link download . To overcome this problem, we have to create a zip file on the fly without have to manually create it using any commpresion tools or softwares.
PHP has some functions dealing with file compression that enables us to create zip file on the fly. In this tutorial i will use PHP CreateZipFile classs package from Rochak Chauhan. I have made some examples below to explain how to craete zip file on the fly from multiple files or directory.
//Iterate all Files and include themforeach($valid_files as $file)$zip->addFile($file,$file);$zip->close();//Return the Filereturn file_exists($destination);}elsereturn false;}
//Array for include all valid link files.$valid_files = array();if(is_array($files))foreach($files as $file)if(file_exists($file))$valid_files[] = $file;
//If Valid Link more than 0if(count($valid_files)){//Reference to Zip class$zip = new ZipArchive();if($zip->open($destination,$overwrite ? ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE : ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== true)return false;
Hello,I have no permission to write file on server. Then in this case how can i create a zip file for multiple text files. i want to download the zip file only. I dont want to store it on server. Because I have no permission.
Following is an example how to use the Zip after downloading the package. I am demoing based on the date range Zip the payment invoices. But you implement as per your requirement, this will give you a rock solid foundation.
Instead of giving some bullshit examples let me walk you through the real implementation example of invoice project where I have implemented this. In the following code snippet I am filtering all the payments based on the given date range ie fromDate & toDate and then allowing user / admin to zip files & download his invoices with the given date range.
In this post, I will provide you a complete guideline for.How to create a zip file in PHP?
How to add files to zip in PHP?
How to download zip in PHP?
Now if you want to add or insert some files into your zip file you need to open your zip file under the default ZipArchive class using the open() methods. This method will take your zip file name with location. After opening your zip file then insert your files into the opened zip file using the addFile() method, this method will take two parameters one is the file name with the location(which you want to insert) and another is the file name without location. After adding all files you need to close your opening zip file.
ZIP is an archive file format that supports lossless data compression. A ZIP file may contain one or more files or directories that may have been compressed. The PHP ZipArchive class can be used to zipping and unzipping. It might be need to install the class if it is not present.
Carefully read the Log.txt file and let FlyWithLua write a debug file, if one of your scripts fails. If you want to ask for help, please use the FlyWithLua help forum and add your Log.txt and FlyWithLua_debug.txt files.
It's a great Plug-In or plug in scripting language add-on for xplane. I don't like to read lengthy instructions, and maybe that's a fault of mine but I'd like to kind of figure out whether to download the latest versions of this how I'm supposed to register on the official fly with Lua website. Otherwise, great there are plugins for this or scripts I guess I should say which have enabled me to do things from have ambient sound of passengers chatting making noise or even screaming if you take a nosedive, too simple plugins which are effective and what they do like one which actually makes up for low frame rate performance for either flying online like on vatsim or even without being online, so that your trip time is not increased by a lower frame rate. that particular plug-in though I haven't gotten to work with this latest version of fly with Lua maybe it's just because the script I'm trying to use for the frame rate issue is so old now many years old. Never was updated. Anyway no complaints, again, about this utility it's a great tool I recommend all who use xplane to try it. there is a default script in the active scripts folder you'll notice after you install it and I believe the instruction is to take it out of the folder otherwise no other ones will work but make sure you read the manual, unlike me I'm just too lazy.
laravel-medialibrary is a powerhouse package that can help handle media in a Laravel application. It can organise your files across multiple filesystems, generate thumbnails, optimize images and much much more.
My team and I are hard at work creating a new major version, v7, that adds a lot of awesome features such as responsive images, vue components to assist with uploading, single file collections, ... In this post I'd like to highlight one cool handy feature that's coming to v7: multi file downloads.
Pretty sweet! But what if you want to download multiple files at once? Currently the medialibrary won't help you with this and you need to take care of this yourself. You could generate a zip file with all media you want to download on your server and then do
But maybe you want to download big files, in that case creating the zip takes a while. Or maybe the files are stored on a remote service like S3, so now it takes even longer because the files need to be copied over first.
I'm happy to share that medialibrary v7 will solve this for you. It includes a ZipStreamResponse class that allows you to respond with a stream. Files will be zipped on the fly and you can even include files from multiple filesystems.
Let's take a look at an example on how to use ZipStreamResponse. We're going to create two routes. Visiting add-files will add some files to our medialibrary, visiting download-files will download them. I'm using routes here for demonstration purposes, in a real world app you'd probably use ZipStreamResponse in a controller.
Of course there are situations (eg. when the same assets get downloaded over and over again, or when download speed is very important) where you still want to create a zip file locally and store it for later use. But I believe StreamedZipResponse does provide a good solution for the proverbial 80%
Like mentioned above, multi file downloads are coming to v7 of laravel-medialibrary which will be released around February - March 2018. Of course you can start using v6 of laravel-medialibrary right now.
The ZIP is a commonly used file format to archive files with data compression. When you want to allow the user to download multiple folders and files at once from the server, you need to create a ZIP file on the fly. It helps to compress files and create an archive to download multiple files at once. The ZIP file can be created dynamically using PHP, and the archive file can be saved on the server from the PHP script easily. 2ff7e9595c