[quote name="mstone" url="/t/190054/google-to-discontinue-chrome-support-for-os-x-snow-leopard-lion-mountain-lion-in-april-2016/0_100#post_2804215"]So about a third of the Mac install base uses Safari. Seems odd. I've had a few sites where Safari did not work as well as Chrome, but I generally use Safari first. Some sites use a lot of Javascript, which is where the incompatibilities usually start. Platforms such as jQuery are really good about testing for all different browsers but some lazy coders who use Chrome only test against their own preferred browser.[/quote]I prefer Safari now but devs go where the market is. At this point in time, it's Chrome
For an up-to-date browser for older Macs, try Chromium Legacy. You may need to use this direct link to download Chromium Updater; no other browser for OS X 10.7-10.8 is able to display GitHub correctly. When opened, Chromium Updater will appear as an icon on the right side of the menu bar. Click it, then select a stable version of Chromium Legacy to download. Once the new copy of Chromium Legacy is downloaded, drag it to the Applications folder. You can keep Chromium Updater and use it to update the installed copy of Chromium Legacy.To enable Google sync in Chromium Legacy, quit the browser, then enter the following command in Terminal (it is one long line):open -a /Applications/Chromium.app --args "--oauth2-client-id=77185425430.apps.googleusercontent.com --oauth2-client-secret=OTJgUOQcT7lO7GsGZq2G4IlT"Chromium Legacy will open; log into your Google account. You will not need to run the command again unless you log out.
Download Google Chrome For Mac Os X Snow Leopard
Although unsupported google chrome is working fine on my mac book pro with 10.6.8, I've used opera also and have had good results. And I've had no issues yet with my safari other than inadvertently deleting it.
For OS X 10.9 and higher, install Git for Mac by downloading and running the most recent "mavericks" installer from this list. After installing Git, there will not be anything in your /Applications folder, as Git is a command line program. For older versions of OS X (10.5-10.8) use the most recent available installer labelled "snow-leopard" available here. 2ff7e9595c