The frequency of colorblindness is fairly high. One in twelve Caucasian (8%), one in 20 Asian (5%), and one in 25 African (4%) males are so-called "red-green" colorblind. It is commoner than AB blood group.
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There are always colorblind people among the audience and readers. There should be more than TEN colorblinds in a room with 250 people. If you design a facility or industrial product that will be used by 10,000 people, 400 of them would be colorblinds. (assuming 50% male and 50% female.)When preparing your presentations (papers, slides, documents, advertisements, web pages etc.) as well as public facilities and industrial products, please take this into account. Here are some comments on how to make figures and presentations colorblind friendly.
For scientists:There is a good chance that the paper you submit may go to colorblind reviewers. Supposing that your paper will be reviewed by three white males (which is not unlikely considering the current population in science), the probability that at least one of them is colorblind is whopping 22%! [ 22% = 1-(1-0.92)^3 ]
Please use magenta (purple) instead of red. Magenta is the equal mixture of red and blue. Although colorblind people have difficulty recognizing the red component, they can easily recognize the blue hue. The region of double positive becomes white , which is easily distinguishable for colorblinds.
The top graph is coded only by colors. Since pale and unsaturated colors are chosen, it is difficult to distinguish different colors It is also difficult to describe the name of each color, making it difficult for communication. Readers are asked to compare the color of the graph itself with the separate keys. This is extremely difficult for Colorblinds.
Being friendly to colorblind people does not necessarily mean that one should not use colors. Even for the colorblinds, colors are very useful cues to distinguish different objects easily and quickly. By carefully selecting colors that are easily recognizable to people with all kinds of color vision, one can maximize the effect of her/his presentations.
2) Avoid the situation where texts and objects are obscured with the background. For example, there should be enough contrasts in brightness and saturation between texts/objects and backgrounds. Avoid the combination of colors that have the same brightness but different only in hue. For example, red characters on green backgrounds is unreadable for colorblinds. Use either bright texts/objects over dark backgrounds, or vice versa.
3) Make texts and objects as thick or big as possible. When the size of color-coded objects is small, only a few cone cells can be used for recognition. Colorblind people find it especially difficult to distinguish the colors of thin lines and small symbols. For color-coded text, use bold fonts such as Arial or Helvetica , rather than thin Times or NewYork .
4) Caution when using red. For non-colorblind people, red is the bright and vivid color. But for colorblinds, it is as dull as blue or dark green. Especially for protanopes, who cannot detect long wavelength of red light, dark red appears almost as black. Thus, avoid using red characters on black backgrounds, including blackboards.Note that black text and red text look the same for protanopes. Colorblinds people, however, still feel certain ranges of reds as bright and vivid colors. Instead of pure dark red (RGB=100%, 0%, 0% or #FF.) , please use vermilion (yellowish red with shorted wavelength: RGB=100%,32%,0% or #FF2000 ), or light red (mixed with white: RGB=100%,8%,8% or #FF1414 ).
As shown in Fig. 4, the categorization of color does not match between colorblinds and non-colorblinds. Even for bright vivid colors, colorblind people cannot sometimes distinguish the name of colors. When explaining figures, avoid using only color names and describe also shapes or positions. For example, avoid saying "this red cell". Instead, say "this red, round cells on the top left", for example.
Since red laser pointers use long wavelength of light, it is often difficult for colorblinds to see where is pointed. Recently, green laser pointers becomes available, whose color is easy to see both for colorblinds and nom-colorblinds.
Vairous software are now available to check whether your colorful images will convey enough information to colorblind readers.Photoshop / Illustrator CS4The new version of Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Illustrator CS4 (available form Autumn 2008 for Windows and Macintosh) feature the CUD proof function to check whether your artwork convey information properly for viewers who are colorblind. Because the function is built into the color-management sysrtem, the conversion is smooth and quick.This functionality is developmed in collaboration between Adobe and Color Universal Design Organization (CUDO), Kei Ito (University of Tokyo) and Mitsuyoshi Maekawa (Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa).
Vischeck is one of the most classic and established colorblind proof software. The software works best as a plugin for Image J, a free image manipulation software for Windows, Macintosh and Linux. (Both Image J and VisCheck are free.)Note: Vischeck of Photoshop Plug-In for Windows works also well, but the Plug-In for Macintosh sometimes make misleading conversion and should better be avoided.Download ImageJ
Download VischeckJ 1.0 (Vischeck ImageJ Plug-In) How to install: _1.txt
In 2007, LCD computer displays with built-in circuit for colorblind proof are released by EIZO/Nanao Corporation. Because the simulation utilizes the feature that is equiped only in high-end monitors, they are not cheap (but not that expensive compared with the same monitor without colorblind simulation function.) The advantage of hardware-based simulation is that the simulation is performed on the fly. One can compare images with and without simulation regardless of the software (e.g. photographs, vector drawings, PDFs, word documents, presentations, web pages, etc.). Moreover, one can also simulate movies, TV programs, and games.
1: It is recommended to use an Adobe-RGB compliant monitor rather than an sRGB monitor, because the former avoids accidental color changes of the converted colors caused by out-of-gamut clipping.2: Remember that not all colorblind people see colors as indicated in the colorblind proof. The converted views mimic the vision of the most strongly-affected types of colorblind people (dichromats). Many other colorblind people see colors in a more similar way to people with common-type color vision. Also, to compensate their problems in identifying reddish hue, colorblind people are often more sensitive to subtle differences in bluish hue, brightness, and texture of the colored objects that common-type people tend to overlook.3: The color displayed in the colorblind proof is not necessarily the color recognized by colorblind people. In the proof, a range of colors that are difficult for colorblinds to distinguish are converted into one color. For example, some shades of pink and sky blue are converted to the same sky blue in the proof, but it is incorrect to think that "colorblind people see pink as sky blue." (In such case colorblind people regard the color either as pink or blue depending on the context in which the colored object appears.) Thus, the proof should only be used for identifying "which colors on the document are difficult for them to judge." In this respect, colorblind proof is not the true simulation of colorblind vision.4: Do not judge the aptitude of colorblind people by looking at colorblind proof images. Colorblind proof is developed for helping non-colorblind designers, creators and scientists who want to make their products colorblind-friendly. It is not developed for the people in the personnel department who want to assess the aptitude of the employee. Because of the reasons shown above (#2 and #3), many colorblind people can distinguish more colors than are seen in the colorblind proof. Even the strongest type of colorblind people utilize color- and texture information that non-colorblind peole often overlook. The ability of colorblind people should be judged strictly by their performance in the real job, not by what other people "imagine" about their ability.5: To achieve optimal Color Universal Design, it is also important not to rely completely on the colorblind proof but also to ask colorblind people to examine your design and give advises. (In this case look for the people who are most strongly affected, as weakly affected people may distinguish most colors that strongly affected people cannot.) This is because (a) although the calculation formula of the colorblind proof is designed to give reliable results in as large area of color space as possible, it sometimes fails in bright vivid colors, and (b) colors tend to appear differently on the computer screen compared to the final products/printed materials, where they are also affected by the lighting conditions under which they are viewed.Back to topColor Universal Design OrganizationTo expand the activity to promote colorblind-friendly design not only within the ivory tower of scientists but also to industrial products and public facilities, in Autumn 2004 we established a non-profit organization called the "Color Universal Design Organization" (CUDO).CUDO homepage:
We have helped designers who are working for the train stations of Tokyo subway system, National Science Museum, hospitals, textbooks for primary and high schools, company annual reports, catalogues, controler and Graphical User Interface of TV and DVD recorders, copy and fax machies, car navigation systems, digicams, etc. Upon request, we issue a Color Universal Design mark (see above) to the facilities and products whose colorblind-friendliness is improved drastically. Currently, the acrtivity of CUDO is limited mainly in Japan, but some of the resulting products are exported worldwide. 2ff7e9595c